Friday, April 18, 2008

unknown love. poem 3

you use to be so big
but now you are a pig
you use to be so bold
you are so old
you were my man
but i want to slap you with a pan
you were my life,my last, and my love
you were my hubby,my heart,and my hope
you were my life
but i wanted to be your wife

i missed your hugs
now i want to slap you with a mug
but now you are a bug
you once was a toy
that turned into a boy
you were my mall
but now you are my ball
you had me so high
that i believe i can fly
you had me so high that it felt like i was in the sky
thats unknown love

1 comment:

G. Latman said...

This is supposed to be a poem of rhyming couplets, but you have not maintained it throughout. You can't have some rhyming couplets and some lines that are not.

me and my sisters

me and my sisters